Ми, як бізнес, час від часу користуємось послугами інших бізнесів. Купуємо послуги, замовляємо товари. Хтось працює краще, хтось гірше. Але раптом трапляється підрядник, який все робить так, як ми самі робимо у Winkhaus. І все настільки круто, якісно, чітко, уважно та з доброю посмішкою, що починає здаватись, ніби то якийсь наш ментальний двійник, з яким чомусь зустрілись тільки зараз. От саме такі враження маємо після проведення нашого Winkhaus Innovation Day 2019 у чудовому конгрес-готелі «Пуща»! Слоган компанії Winkhaus – “Always precise” («Завжди точно»). І це не просто слова. Це для нас головний принцип роботи у всьому, що робимо. Так ми виробляємо та продаємо свою продукцію. Так ми консультуємо партнерів. Так ми обираємо підрядників. І з «Пущею» вгадали на всі 100%! По-перше, це красиво. Дуже чисто й затишно, але водночас дивним чином мотивує працювати. По-друге, «Пуща» (як і Winkhaus) не намагається подобатись всім і одразу. Обрали чітку спеціалізацію та прагнуть бути кращими в своїй справі. Окремий корпус для конференцій, зали різних розмірів і форматів – і для презентацій, і для групових сесій, сучасне і надійне обладнання, швидкий і стабільний Wi-Fi, виважений підхід до поселення та харчування – все є і все допомагає зосередитись на цілях зустрічі. Чудово, коли локація не перетягує на себе увагу, а гармонічно доповнює наш захід. Кожну хвилину конференції ми відчували, що тут замість нас про все подумали і турбуються, як про своїх. По-третє, люди. Саме «люди», а не «персонал». Сервіс бездоганний. Ми б це навіть сервісом не називали, бо надто якесь бездушне слово. В «Пущі» не сервіс – в «Пущі» турбота. В нашому випадку турботу уособлювали менеджер з продажу Ольга, адміністратори Ірина та Діана, адміністратор ресторану Олена та ще десятки працівників, яких майже не бачиш, але постійно відчуваєш якість їхньої роботи. Щиро дякуємо всім вам! Це в нас говорила українська душа. А тепер слово бере німецька точність. Конгрес-готель «Пуща» – круто, якісно, для бізнесу. Winkhaus рекомендує!
Хочу поблагодарить всех ребят которые помогали нам эти 2 дня, за чудесную организацию и теплый прием. Мероприятие прошло на высшем уровне. У вас очень красиво и уютно.
Мы и гости остались очень довольны. Огромное спасибо Диане, которая моментально реагировала на все наши пожелания и просьбы. Мне было очень комфортно и приятно с ней работать. Спасибо Ане, и команде за прекрасно организованные и самые вкусные обеды и кофе-паузы. Оценила лично, и за 2 дня слышала много положительных отзывов от наших гостей (банановый пирог наш фаворит:)
Наталию благодарю за то, с какой ответственностью вы подошли организации нашего мероприятия. Вы большой профессионал. С вами очень легко и приятно работать.
Я, и вся команда Upgrade, благодарит всю вашу команду за такой теплый прием. И конечно же надеемся на дальнейшее и плодотворное сотрудничество.
Стандарты - это не сервис. Настоящий сервис - то, что выходит за их пределы, нередко даже нарушая их. Это не то, что вы должны сделать для клиента. Сервис начинается там, где вы можете ничего не делать, Но делаете что то от себя лично. Искренне! Все, что написано ниже - мои объективные выводы, которые складывались на протяжении продолжительного сотрудничества, и не одного десятка мероприятий. Могу сказать одно, те люди, те сотрудники, которые ежедневно выполняют колосальный объем работ - только благодаря таким людям, формируется общее впечатление от Конгресс Отеля. Когда все работает как часовой механизм - никто не замечает тяжелый труд этих людей. Как только появляется хоть незначительная погрешность в работе системы - на этом акцентируется все негативное настроение клиента и тем самым желание клиента показать свою значимость и важность. В этом заключается человеческий парадокс, люди редко делятся чем то хорошим, и часто воспринимают это как "должное", зато высказать свое "феее" - при первой же возможности не упустят шанса слить весь свой внутренний негатив. Команда персонала - это настоящие профессионалы своего дела, они всегда были открыты к любой сложности задаче и помогали найти варианты решения тех или иных нюансов. В большей степени это относится к менеджерскому составу, а именно:
- Ирина Лесниковская - настоящий профессионал своего дела с огромным потенциалом, который найдет общий язык с любым клиентом и подготовит мероприятие согласно всем требованиям, при чем подготовка всегда была и будет на "отлично" ;
- Виталий Витальевич - образец мужского подхода к делу в целом, так и к любому другому процессу в частности. Виталий менеджер от Бога - он тот лидер, за которым пойдет вся команда подчиненных, его стиль управления командой - уникальный, гармонично сочетает в себе такие разные подходы начиная от авторитарного (в котором недопустимы поблажки для кого либо) до духовного наставника как для каждого лично, так и для всей команды в целом. Он учит команду нести ответственность за свои слова, действия и бездействия, на собственном примере ;
- Елена Рощина - Человек с большой буквы , в ее смены - она тот драгоценный механизм, который является фундаментом отличного сервиса и слаженной работы команды, а именно благодаря своей заботе, профессионализму и искреннему желанию быть полезной.
Можно долго перечислять людей из команды персонала, но каждому уделить внимание не хватит времени. А если по честному, сервис на таком уровне, что всех остальных подрядчиков непроизвольно сравниваешь в вашим сервисом. А им еще расти и расти до такого уровня. Искренний сервис — это осознанный, самостоятельный выбор. Искренний сервис идет от самого человека. Искренний сервис — это когда он делает не только то, что должен, но добавляет к этому что-нибудь лично от себя.
Ведите учет подвигов сотрудников ради клиентов и используйте лучшие примеры в своей идеологии. Подвиги всегда появляются там, где их ищут. Развивайте в сотрудниках сервисность, признавая их достижения. Разместите в общем доступе примеры искреннего сервиса ваших сотрудников. Возьмите за правило обсуждать их на каждом собрании. Даже если вначале придется приводить примеры других компаний. Всегда когда речь заходит о Пуще, у меня на душе становится светло и тепло )
Благодарна Вам за отличный сервис!
Большое спасибо Ольге Фиц за помощь и оперативность работы! Мы остались очень довольны сотрудничеством, персонал был очень благожелательный и приветливый, участвующие были в восторге.
Висловлюю слова щирої вдячності за організацію та допомогу у проведенні конференції усій абсолютно команді конгрес-готеля "Пуща" з якими довелось спілкуватись, а саме, Тетяні Дзюман, Вікторії Спащенко, Яні, Олені), Ігорю, барменам та офіціантам, ресепшен, прибиральники, гардеробниці і ін., на чолі з господарем цієї рекреації, Вячеславом Юткіним. Вячеславу вдалось зібрати гарних та хороших людей в одному місці - це мистецтво! Дякую величезне за розуміння, тактовність, терпіння, щире ставлення, швидкість та адекватність рішень і реагувань на потреби клієнтів. Ви усі без виключення професіонали своєї справи. Нам було надзвичайно приємно з вами співпрацювати та отримати позитивні емоції.
Надіємось на подальші зустрічі.Успіхів і процвітання Вам! Так тримати!
Нам очень понравилось с вами сотрудничать, на все вопросы мы получали быстрые и положительные ответы.
Нам шли на встречу и весь персонал максимально был заинтересован, чтоб нам понравилось!
А еще у вас очень вкусная выпечка на кофе паузах)))
Я, к сожалению, не смогла оценить достоинства вашего комплекса, но от моей коллеги слышала самые наилучшие отзывы касательно:
- питания
- проживания
- сервиса
- организации конференц-сервиса
- места расположения
По ее словам не хватает только бассейна и побольше кресел-капель и тогда вашему комплексу нужно давать как минимум 4 звезды. Работа менеджера конференц-сервиса - на самом высшем уровне! Мне было приятно с Вами работать и я буду рекомендовать ваш комплекс. Еще раз благодарю Вас за профессионализм и сотрудничество на высоком уровне.
You were incredible all weekend, the whole team of the complex, organization, delicious food, responsiveness. There are no such complexes in Kiev)
Thank you for excellent service, an organization of the conference, and an individual thanks to Anna for a good tasty food!
The staff is friendly and responsive, the food is tasty and also a beautiful location.
The organization was easy and understandable for us, thanks for that and we would like to express our gratitude!
Thank you very much for the Congress hotel "Puscha" for a sincere meeting.
The whole team of Promice always strives to bring our client to you!
Incredibly tasty dishes, service at the highest level!
We want to thank all the staff who worked with us this time. Yes, and in the past times too!
You are incredible, thank you!!!
I want to thank the waiters, the administrator, the kitchen, the moderators at the master classes for the good work of the staff. The guys are trying, very pleasant, tactful and nice. And also thanks to Alvin for patience! Thank you!
I want to thank you for organizing our event in such a short time. All communication was pleasant and effective Special thanks to Victoria and her team for the prompt resolution of all issues, tasks and a warm welcome. You are cozy, comfortable and tasty.
I express my gratitude to all the employees and in particular Tatiana Dzuman - she understands the needs in a highly professional way and responds promptly to requests, as well as to Elena Semchak, Ekaterina, Victoria, Elena from the whole team of 85 people and on my own behalf for professionalism and high quality of service. felt that they care about us, starting with the hotel's parking and administration. Margarita Lobko
IBC Solar Austria has trained for its clients and partners at the Congress Hotel Puscha.
The most important thesis - liked everything! Our equipment requests were prepared at the highest level, professionally, clearly, on time. Accommodation, meals, rest, general impression - all at the highest level. Our guests were extremely pleased. Many said that they will definitely come again. We can say at the same time - we will come back here too. The value / quality ratio is the best.
Keep it up and up to new appointments!
Let me thank you on behalf of the entire project team of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy Fit for Partnership with Germany for the opportunity to re-use your hospitality and spend October 27 and 28, 2017. on the basis of the Congress Hotel Pusha our regular non-standard event is not the Alumni Conference. We were very glad to again use the services of your complex. Your team of professionals, as always did everything possible to create the most comfortable conditions for our colleagues and participants during the event. Our participants are pleased to note the personal client-oriented work and the attitude of all the staff in general to them. We will be happy to recommend your complex to all projects within our company - GIZ GmbH - in Ukraine. Thank you for your cooperation, which we hope will be continued. Guido Reinsch, Project Manager Program of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy Fit for Partnership with Germany in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus »
On behalf of "Victor Pinchuk Foundation - Social Initiative", allow me to testify to our respect and express sincere gratitude and impeccably rendered services in organizing and servicing the international scientific and practical conference for neonatologists on the theme "Prematurely born children. Achievements and prospects ", which was successfully held in the Congress Hotel" Pushcha "on November 7-8 this year. Once again, the organizers and participants had an opportunity to see the high professionalism of the entire staff of the Congress Hotel "Pushcha", which from year to year is only growing and improving. We have already received a large number of positive reviews from doctors, among other things, especially emphasize the excellent service, the highest quality of food, comfort and coziness of hotel rooms. Two days stay in your wonderful complex, located in a surprisingly beautiful place, have become a real gift for many participants and, despite the rich program of the conference, rest. The Victor Pinchuk Foundation is sincerely grateful for the invaluable contribution of the employees of the Congress Hotel Pusha to our event, for a clear, well-coordinated work, friendly attitude to people, hospitality and willingness to provide assistance at any time. We wish you many grateful customers, successes and prosperity! Sincerely, Viktoria Chernyavskaya Director of the Foundation
Thank you very much to all the staff of the KO "PUSHCHA" for the harmonious work and hospitality! Current issues were resolved easily and quickly thanks to your responsiveness and professionalism. Our event was smooth and without overlap. All participants were satisfied. We plan to return to you next year.
Dear Stanislav Ivanovich! "MEDIA-PRO" Publishing House expresses its sincere gratitude to the staff of the Congress Hotel "Pushcha" under your leadership for productive and high-quality work at the corporate banquet on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of our holding, which was held at a high level on June 1, 2017. Your employees have shown themselves as true professionals and hospitable hosts. We were impressed by their well-coordinated work and excellent service, and was pleased with the wonderful arrangement of dishes of Georgian cuisine. Employees of your hotel quickly solved technical issues when installing equipment and connecting equipment. And most importantly - we took into account all our wishes when preparing the holiday. Visit to the Congress Hotel "Pushcha" left us the most vivid impressions, we felt the comfort and attentive attitude of the staff! We hope for further fruitful cooperation! We highly appreciate the professional approach to work and can safely say that this is the visiting card of the leadership and the team of the Congress Hotel "Pushcha". We wish you and your employees success in their further work, and your business - prosperity!
With respect and gratitude,
Director of the Holding "MEDIA-PRO"
Sharapin Pavel Lavrentevich
Good afternoon! I would like to notice the professionalism, efficiency, goodwill of the staff. We express special gratitude to Pavel Sokolov, Olga Fitz, technical specialist Andrey, Elena (restaurant manager) and those waiters who worked with us, serving our event on 12.06.2017 and thus providing the service at the highest level. Once again many thanks! "
Sirota LG, project manager
Due to the high service and the competence of our event staff went just great! Despite the fact that the visitors were about 100 people! - On your side everything was clear, timely, correctly. We express to you our gratitude. We are looking forward to further cooperation.
With respect, Stupak Tatiana
Oksana, Irina, Vlad, a good day!
I want to express my Thanks for theproject implementation . The event took place thanks to your attention and participation. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding)), it was very pleasant to work and feel like a part of your team, as the discussion we had with you in a different form, and at different times of the day))). I also want to thank the team, which is directly on the spot has been involved in our working process in place))).
VICTORIA thank you, a professional with a capital letter (and I know whereof I speak)). Very attentive to detail and the little things, and this is very important, he understands and knows his job. The main thing is that all the processes were under full control, and above all with the active participation. Victoria Actions did not need further control. All corrections, changes, comments have been considered and implemented without any problems. The main thing - is the lack of words - "Now, if you said this in advance")))), and we know that we both are here to anticipate and be necessary, or - is no longer a service, and "moralizing")) ). Thank you Igor - engineer for the good work. Thanks to the kitchen, the waiters, who sought and were attentive. Thank you Anna for service and attention to the customer).
Thanks to the service facility for the quality and orientation on the situation.
Dear Stanislav Ivanovich!
On behalf of the All "Victor Pinchuk Foundation - Social Initiative" expresses sincere gratitude to the Congress Hotel "Pusha" for perfectly rendered services for organizing and conducting charity event fund - an international scientific conference for medical intensive care unit "Development of neonatology at the present stage" which took place 7-9 November For the third time in the charity project "Cradles of Hope" Our organization collects neonatal intensive cure uni doctors from all over Ukraine and conducts specialized conference is based on led you away. Client-loyal pricing policy, professionalism and responsibility of the entire team at once again proven the correctness of our choice. I would particularly like to commend the work of individual staff Congress Hotel "Pusha" who made a huge contribution to the success of the event. In particular, the manager of conference services Lesnikovskoyi Irina, who accompanied us since the planning of the conference and to complete it promptly provided their assistance in all matters, always tried to consider any requests and to meet. Acknowledgement I would like to express to the operator the conference center "San Marino" Igor Polyakov. Not good professional skills, competence, ability to work well in a team, Igor showed remarkable human qualities, willingness and a shoulder several times literally saved the presentations of foreign speakers. All participants with great gratitude separately emphasized the excellent service and extremely high quality dishes from employees of the restaurant "Aristocrat" under the direction of senior administrator Anna Sedyuk. In conclusion, let me once again thank everyone, without exception, the staff Congress Hotel "Pusha" conference center "San Marino" restaurant "Aristocrat" with professional, clear, teamwork, friendly attitude, friendliness and hospitality that have achieved a high level an international scientific-practical conference "Development of neonatology at this stage." With respect and gratitude, The director Victoria Foundation Chernyavska
I want to thank you personally and your team to work on our project - 5 days with a complex conference services, food, entertainment in the evenings and all the moments and stay - You did a great job! Irina, you are incredibly strong and tenacious specialist issues at any time is worth a lot, thank you very much for your understanding, efficiency in action and loyalty (and material as well!). Since you are very comfortable to work! I want to thank Spaschenko Victoria, which has always been close and decided on the spot a lot of very important and urgent matters. In Victoria all always the same answer: "Now do it!" - And smile for free! During the project, there were various moments when quick help locate needed as air - and we have always received it! Thank you Victoria and Alexander for almost-room support! Sedyuk Anna receives "Oscar" my most charming smile and unrivaled performance of all the Client's wishes, "an hour before dinner? Oh sure! On the half hour earlier than snacks with beer? No problem, we will try to catch! Coffee break transfer? Already we have done! "And the important thing is that everything is always time to do it in time! I want to thank the main banquet managers (Vitali and Elena), who have been with us for a gala dinner and an evening barbecue - all tried to glory! Some waiters are missing your sincere smile and enjoy the process, but otherwise no complaints. Anne and Diana in the main restaurant also helped us in many ways and always remember about our team and fed us! Thank you and them! Our team really enjoyed working with your location, we will try to offer you as much as possible in the future. Thanks again and see you soon!
Good day to all!
First of all, I want to thank for the help with organization of our school! Vicа, thank you very much, so quickly agreed on everything and we were only in-line moments!
Ira, your entire team, thank you for the great service! You rescued us many times, for which we are all very grateful! Of course, I fill out a questionnaire, which was sent to you.
Once again, thank you very much for your help !!!
Good day, dear partners. Last Friday, we held a meeting at the Congress hotel Puscha. I want to note the excellent work of your employees in the organization of the event, namely Eugene from the sales department, Pavel for his help in solving organizational issues, Anna, for organizing the evening banquet and positive customer Thank you!
Good afternoon,
Write to thank for excellent service. Event of our Bank, passing from May, 30 till June 1st, was very important for us. You and Your command perfectly organized space, reacted upon our requests in time and flexibly , provided complete technical support in-process with a sound and multimedia. Due to Your efforts we were able to be fully concentrated on the aim of measure and attained excellent results.
We got many thankful responses from the participants.
If in the future we will work on similar projects, I will be glad to the collaboration with you
I want to thank for their assistance in the preparation and support of activities for the Client MILES May 19-22 in your complex. Special thanks to Paul (conference service) and Anne (banquet). They are incredibly well done! Without them, it would be difficult! Thank you and waiting for your comments!
Head of Event Department BTL- Group of companies
Thank you once again for the European service. Our guests were very pleased to be in your complex: polite and smiling staff, equipped rooms, tasty and varied food
Good afternoon! I want to thank you for your great contribution to organization of the event our top management. I was very pleased to work with you! Your professionalism, responsibility, focus on the client's wishes - is beyond praise. My colleagues in the questionnaire put high scores for its organization, catering, accommodation. I'm sure we'll come back to you!
Ishkova Ludmila
Chief Specialist of the Department of Internal Communications for External Relations Directorate
Dear partners,
This letter is to express to you the honor on behalf of the marketing department of "Pharmaceutical factory" BIOPHARMA "and I want to thank you and your team for their professionalism and customer focus in the organization of our" corporate training events "on the basis of the Congress-hotel" Forest "January 19-22 2016.
I especially want to mention the head of the sales department - Oksana Levdikovu of professionalism, responsibility, quick and correct decisions, as well as - Victoria Spaschenko, Eugene Shpenёvich for the prompt response and solution of emerging issues, Anna Sedyuk - for the excellent cuisine, Anton Serinёk - for the dedication and the willingness to perform any work for the benefit of your team, off-hour for his highly professional contribution to the organization, for their understanding of teamwork, which is essential to achieve results.
Thanks to the coordinated work of your customer-oriented team - our event was held at a very high level and according to the survey on the organization and comfort was evaluated by our staff of 9.4 out of 10.
Thank you for the pleasant cooperation! duction immunobiological preparations
Let me thank you on behalf of the entire project team of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy "Fit for Partnership with Germany" for the opportunity to hold our next non-standard event on October 17-18, 2015, at the Congress Hotel "Pushcha" - a nonconference of graduates "Where the money lies: access to financial resources for your business "We were very glad to again use the services of your complex.Your team of professionals did their best to create the most comfortable conditions for our colleagues and participants during the project We would like to especially note the irreproachable work of Pavel Sokolov, the head of the conference services sector, who patiently, diplomatically and professionally reacted to all our operational wishes.Our participants happily noted the excellent client-oriented work and the attitude of all the staff in general to them. We will be happy to recommend your complex to all projects within our company - GIZ GmbH - in Ukraine.
Guido Reinsch
Project Manager
The program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy
Fit for Partnership with Germany
in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus
LLC "Cinnamon" expresses its gratitude to LLC "Park Hotel Kiev" (team "Congress-hotel Pushcha") for the provision of conference services services at a high quality level in the framework of the training, as well as for coordination of work and professionalism of catering personnel and the creation of friendly and pleasant atmosphere. Thank you for your responsible attitude to their work, with the friendly staff and quality support of the event. We wish you new achievements and look forward to the same pleasant cooperation in the future.
Thank you very much for the excellent conduct of our activities !!!
One of the few cases in our practice, when the participants have never called and asked for something to correct or add something, etc. (Nuances in this area a lot))) This shows the high professionalism !!! The level of service higher than price - is a rarity in our time)))) So to hold !!! I hope to see you soon new applications.
Faithfully Yours,
Elvira Lenskaya
Manager of "Symposium" Ltd
Dear Oksana and your entire team.
Allow me to thank you personally and all your colleagues for the excellent organized the January event. For warmth and care with which you surround us during the long work week. As a result, we have prepared a location in all aspects, which always and everywhere felt the hand of a professional We would like to say a special thank you :
1. Anastasia - for the opportunity to make the impossible possible.
2. Anna - for the unique organization and resolution of all issues in difficult situations.
3. Andrew - for the wonderful atmosphere at the workshops (please pass - I do not have his address).
4. Pavel - for the tremendous help 24/7 - very important.
5. Irina - for the excellent coordination of all questions completely.
To all of you good luck, prosperity, good clients and career growth!
Tatyana Korman
Head of Administration Department
On behalf of the team of VTB Bank I would like to thank you for the excellent organization of our holiday - 21.12.2013.Hall, sound, table settings, the work of staff and, of course, the food! - Is beyond praise during the production process to our holiday You've been very We help and went to the meeting, with patience and instantly react in those cases where we had to urgently do something or change. Special thanks to Anna - the director of the restaurant and the bartender (sorry, do not remember his name) - for the fact that under their strict guidance have not happened a single hitch on a holiday, everything was delicious, beautiful - just great! You big fellows! We hope to continue the same great working with you!
Irina Shuper
Expert of the Office of Human Resources
VTB Bank Ukraine
VTB Group
I want to thank you and your wonderful staff for their great help in organizing and conducting our activities. All services worked smoothly and accurately, ensuring high quality of the conference. It's pleasure to work with you. Prior to the following general measures!
Valentina Yavorskaya
Corporate service department
LLC "Travel Company "Sputnik Kyiv"